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KDIPA ( Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority ) Visit Hosted at the Yarmouk Cultural Centre

From the visit of the KDIPA ( Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority ) which was hosted at the Yarmouk Cultural Centre tonight. Yesterday, the distinguished guests of Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA) had a rare opportunity to attend a special event at DAI’s Yarmouk Cultural Centre. The guests were treated to a show of rare art objects of Ancient and Islamic Art from The Al-Sabah Collection, a tour of a small exhibit of antiquarian books in the library and a behind the scenes look at the upcoming Modern Architecture Kuwait 1949 – 1989 exhibition. The evening was organised by KDIPA to introduce their international guests to culture in Kuwait.
The evening didn’t stop there. The guests were also serenaded with classical music, contemporary Arabic and Kuwaiti music.


March 8th 2016


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